Distribution of High Quality Building Materials.

We take great pride in our relationships with our partners, including suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, agents, distributors and consultants, because we know our business depends on them.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We treat every customer with respect they deserve and don't stop until you are satisfied.
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  • Contractors and DIY

    We are flexible and can supply our products under  private lable or original factory brands to both contractors and DIY channels. Subject to terms and conditions.

  • Residential and commercial projects

    All of our products can be used in residential and commercial projects. The product are certified according to EN certifications and have a full technical Data Sheets to support your projects.


Liquid Waterproofing

Perfect cost-effective waterproofing solution for many substrates as an alternative to the more traditional Felt products.

Gas Membranes

Ideal solution to protect buildings against the effect of liquid and water vapour, carbonation. Can be used as a gas and moisture barrier to prevent the ingress of Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Radon as well as a DPM on floors and walls.

Structural Repair Products

Big choice of fiber-reinforced, thixotropic, non-shrinking, ready to use repairing mortars. Suitable for repairing, anchoring and finishing architectural details and concrete for up to 40 mm in thickness

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